Success Story: Matt Wilkes

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Success Story: Matt Wilkes

Success Story: Matt Wilkes

“Leadership is consequential. Authentic people, with clear values and a compelling vision, are not only good for business, they changes lives.”

I first met Jan as a participant in 9 month-long leadership workshop. It was clear from the beginning that leadership was much more than just lip service. She expertly facilitated a group of very different senior leaders from varied professional backgrounds. By the end of the first session, all of the participants were engaged and excited to delve deeper into leadership.

Thanks in large part to Jan, the group became personally very meaningful. I grew significantly and was able to apply what I learned to enrich the culture in my workplace. In the end, I feel quite sure that Jan’s passion, skill and command of the subject matter made an indelible imprint in the leadership and lives of all those in our group – it did for me.

– Matt Wilkes, Director