With a vacancy in the vice president of human resources position, the American Nurses Association (ANA) leadership recognized they needed to fill...
Coaches Provide Targeted Leadership Development
Yes, I am saying it again…leading effectively is indeed a high calling and a tall order. Why do I say this routinely?...
Introduction to Coaching
Fortis Leadership coaches are seasoned professionals who will customize a development program uniquely suited to your leader’s personality, role and goals. Organizations...
Performance Appraisal and 360 Feedback Assessment: Two Distinct Tools
Often times our clients ask us if it is a best practice to integrate a 360 assessment process with the annual performance...
Master the Hedgehog Concept
Hedgehogs, on the other hand, simplify a complex world into a single organizing idea, a basic principle or concept that unifies and...
Words for Straight Talk
Put the right words in your tool bank to maximize communication with your team. Words for Straight Talk Statements I see it...